Smuggler Marine began building the iconic Smuggler brand in 2004 with the launch of the first new Smuggler, the Stealth 695 Hard top. This signaled a change of company direction from previously building sport fishers and yachts up to 16metres in length. The Smuggler range has increased since 2004 to include the Strata range of RIBs from 4-11 metres, as well as the iconic Bonito Boats, purchased in mid 2009. Bonito boats are now branded Smuggler to fit in with the range.
Directors David and Pauline Pringle’s personal boating background, along with over 35 years boatbuilding experience, gives customers confidence they are dealing with people who understand their boating needs.
Smuggler Strata tenders are unique with the ability to make the tender to fit your boat. Captains or project managers can talk to us about particular space issues, or colour schemes, stowage needs and all kinds of boarding requests. We have many different models to suit.
Smuggler Marine is well known for innovative ideas and problem solving.